This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Organization of Nurse Leaders of New Jersey events.


May 2 & 3, 2024 (EDT)

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Princeton Marriott at Forrestal

100 College Road East
Princeton, New Jersey

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Day 1

( 05/02/2024 )

Day 2

( 05/03/2024 )

7:00 AM

Vendor Representatives Check-in and Set-up
Representatives check-in and set-up their exhibit space.

7:30 AM

Conference Attendees Arrive
Attendees arrive, check-in, visit with vendors, network, view posters and enjoy breakfast.

9:00 AM

General Session
The education session opens with the keynote, presentations and President's Report

10:45 AM

Visit with Vendors and Posters
Break from the education session, attendees visit exhibits, posters and network.

11:15 AM

Education Session
Attendees return to the Ballroom for education session.

12:15 PM

Lunch Break
Luncheon with attendees and sponsors. Attendees visit with vendors and view posters.

1:30 PM

General Session
Afternoon education session for attendees.

3:00 PM

Visit with Vendors & Posters

3:15 PM

General Session

5:00 PM

6:30 PM

Social Networking Event
Tickets must be purchased separately.

8:00 AM

Exhibit Set-up
Vendor representatives set-up their exhibit space.

9:00 AM

General Session
Attendees will be in the education session in the ballroom.

10:35 AM

Final Break Session
Final time for attendees to visit with vendors.

10:55 AM

Education Session
Final education session for attendees.

12:55 PM

1:00 PM

ONL NJ President will give closing remarks.