Registration & Check-in
Welcome & Opening
Mentoring Foundations for Leadership Module

This session will provide a review of the e-learning module. The presenters will address the case for mentoring, the essentials for leaders and strategies for success. An interactive discussion with participants will follow.

Skilled Training for Mentors

The objective for this discussion will include a review of the following: a description of the role of the mentor, the characteristics of an effective mentor/mentee dyad, the importance to recognize the barriers to an effective relationship, and strategies to support mentee growth and goal development. An interactive discussion with participants will follow.

Skilled Training for Mentees

Review of the e-learning module will include discussion on benefits of mentoring, the qualities of mentor and mentees, skills and strategies for successful mentoring relationships. An interactive discussion with participants will follow.

Networking Lunch
ONLNJ Mentoring Program Panel Discussion

This final session will provide an outline for the next steps to participate in the ONLNJ Mentorship Program. A group of panelist will share their personal experiences with the ONLNJ program.

Closing Remarks
Program Evaluation & Adjournment