Please join ONL NJ in Celebrating a Legacy of Impact: 50 Years of Forging a Healthier Future Through Nursing Leadership on April 28 & 29 at the Westin Princeton at Forrestal, 201 Village Blvd, Princeton, NJ 08540
The Organization of Nurse Leaders of New Jersey (ONL NJ), nearly 500 strong in membership and representing 90 percent of the hospitals in New Jersey, was founded in 1971. The original name was the Association of Nursing Administrators. The goal at the time was to establish a state chapter in order to provide a voice and representation of NJ Nurse Leaders during a time of rapid healthcare change.
In the ensuing decades, ONL NJ has maintained its role as the leading catalyst for excellence and innovation in nursing education, research, and practice which is consistent with its vision Impacting health through nursing leadership and mission, to Engage and develop nurse leaders in advocacy, research, education, mentorship, and collaborative relationships.
ONL NJ has truly established an enduring reputation as a trusted and influential nursing organization with the empowerment and leadership "in transforming Nursing practice in New Jersey."
Among its many historic impacts, ONL NJ established:
● The Nursing Workplace Environment and Staffing Council (NWESC) Program as leaders in creating and sustaining a healthy work environment for its nurses; and its mission statement is: To promote and sustain a healthy workplace environment for the nurses of New Jersey
● A Mentorship Program and Toolkit for Nurse leaders to provide effective and meaningful mentorship opportunities
● ONL NJ PAC was initiated to protect and promote the safety and quality of patient care in New Jersey through political action.
The 50th anniversary program will highlight the history and impact of diverse nurse leaders; examine the key strengths of the nursing workforce prior to the COVID-19 pandemic with Keynote: Peter Buerhaus, PhD, RN, FAAN, FAANP(h); review the foundation for understanding the intersections between race, racism and microaggressions with Leslie Wright-Brown, PhDc, RN, NPD-BC; identify tools to practicing to focus on what matters most and putting our energy and attention towards what we can control to be productive and foster resilience with Endnote: Penny Zenker along with many other relevant topics for nurse leaders.
Please Save the Date: April 28 for a night of Cocktails, Dinner, Live Music and Dancing to Celebrate our legacy!
This evening event will offer invaluable networking opportunities and a time to redouble our commitment to serve the health of the public and nursing leadership for decades to come! Registration for the party is separate.
Target Audience: Nurse managers, nursing coordinators, assistant nurse managers, clinical nurses, chief nursing officers, vice presidents of patient care, assistant vice presidents of nursing, administrative directors, directors of nursing, aspiring nurse leaders, ONL NJ mentors and mentees, Nursing Workforce Environment Staffing Council (NWESC) members, university deans, nurse educators, nurse researchers and post-acute leaders, nursing home administrators and assisted living administrators.
Learner Outcome: At the conclusion of this educational event, the learner will gain knowledge on the critical challenges of the future of nursing and will self-report confidence in adopting at least two key strategies for nurse leaders in sustaining a healthy work environment in challenging times, which may be transferable to their practice and/or organization.
At the conclusion of the education program, eighty percent of the learners will report that they agree to have confidence in adopting two key strategies that will assist in sustaining a healthy work environment.
Successful completion of the course is defined as in-person attendance for 100 percent of the didactic learning session and a completed course evaluation.
Continuing Nursing Education Credits:
This nursing continuing professional development activity was approved by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation. Approval refers to recognition of continuing education only and does not imply AACN or or ANCC approval or endorsement of the content of this educational activity.
This activity provides 11.25 contact hours.