Event Details

The Organization of Nurse Leaders of New Jersey (ONLNJ) is pleased to announce registration is open for the 2025 Annual Meeting and Conference "Limitless Transformational Leadership" on April 10 & 11at the Princeton Marriot at Forrestal, 100 College Road East, Princeton NJ 08540.

Transformational leadership in nursing is a management style that motivates nurses to take ownership of their roles and perform beyond minimum expectations. This style motivates team members by appealing to their desire to demonstrate higher moral values and integrity in practice. Transformational leadership in nursing encourages teams to work toward the greater good of an organization and its people instead of considering self-serving interests.

Transformational Nurse Leaders can significantly impact professional relationships and promote positive patient and organizational outcomes. These nurse leaders possess four key elements that separate them as transformational from others in nursing leadership roles.

Four Key Elements of Transformational Leadership include:

1. Inspirational Motivation: Effective transformational nurse leaders believe in themselves and others to do their best, articulate a clear vision and communicate with a sense of commitment and passion.

2. Individual Consideration: Transformational nurse leaders take the time to know each team member, learn their strengths, weaknesses, and motivations and dedicate themselves as mentors and leaders to those in their charge.

3. Intellectual Stimulation: Transformational nurse leaders value the idea of team members who think outside the box and search for better ways of accomplishing things. They encourage creativity, welcoming new ideas and input.

4. Idealized Influence: Transformational leadership in nursing includes the act of idealized influence, setting a good example for others to follow and doing so in a manner that makes them want to be better.

Leave the conference with the tools and strategies to develop yourself into the best transformational nurse leader you can be! Hear from many talented speakers including Keynote Presenter, Penny Zenker, author of "Reset the Mindset" who will explore how to maintain focus and clarity in the face of rapid change in healthcare. Steve Miller, Entrepreneur and author, will deliver an inspiring discussion on how to become a leader whom others will follow. Dr. Michael Arcaro will discuss the challenges of AI in healthcare. Dr. Mark McLaughlin author of "Cognitive Dominance: A Brain Surgeon's Quest to Outthink Fear" will share experiences and insights from his two decade career that transformed his way of thinking and cemented an UNBURNOUTABLE mindset.


  • Apr 10, 2025

  • Apr 11, 2025

7:30 AM - 8:55 AM
Check-in, Breakfast, Poster Session, Vendor Exhibits
8:55 AM - 9:00 AM
President's Welome
Mary Jo Loughlin, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, Chief Nursing Officer & SVP Patient Care Services, Hunterdon Healthcare, President, ONLNJ opens the conference with a welcome to all.
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
The Reset Mindset
Penny Zenker (AKA "The Focusologist") is a sought-after international speaker, award-winning national bestselling author, and former C-Suite executive. Over the past three decades, she had b...
Penny Zenker (AKA "The Focusologist") is a sought-after international speaker, award-winning national bestselling author, and former C-Suite executive. Over the past three decades, she had built, lead and sold multiple million-dollar companies including an award-winning tech firm she founded.

Today, Penny speaks to organizations around the world about how to navigate change, challenge, and uncertainty with greater ease, creativity, and focus. Penny has shared her expertise with industry giants like Deloitte, Pfizer, SAP, Samsung, and NASA, and has been featured by NBC News, ESPN, Forbes, Inc., and many more.
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10:15 AM - 10:30 AM
President's Report
Dr. Mary Jo Loughlin will provide a brief summary of the state of ONLNJ.
10:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Book Signing, Posters, & Vendor Exhibits
10:45 AM - 11:00 AM
Mentoring Program Presentation
ONLNJ Mentorship Committee leaders, Ruth DiLeo and Danielle Marcello, will lay the ground work for the Speed Mentoring sessions that will offer micro-mentoring sessions focusing on one key t...
ONLNJ Mentorship Committee leaders, Ruth DiLeo and Danielle Marcello, will lay the ground work for the Speed Mentoring sessions that will offer micro-mentoring sessions focusing on one key topic or challenge that the mentee is facing in a way that is accessible and easy to those interested in seeking advice from other nursing leaders.
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11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Telling a Story with Numbers - How to Use Statistics to Improve Patient Care
Stephanie Chiu, MPH, biostatistician and research manager at the Atlantic Center for Research, Atlantic Health System, will demonstrate how to quantify and justify care-improving changes by ...
Stephanie Chiu, MPH, biostatistician and research manager at the Atlantic Center for Research, Atlantic Health System, will demonstrate how to quantify and justify care-improving changes by asking the right research question.
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12:00 PM - 1:15 PM
Poster Session & Vendor Exhibits
1:15 PM - 3:45 PM
How to Become a Leader Others Will Follow
Steve Miller is a seasoned entrepreneur that has built successful businesses across multiple industries. His real-world experiences translate into easy-to-use principles for everyday life. H...
Steve Miller is a seasoned entrepreneur that has built successful businesses across multiple industries. His real-world experiences translate into easy-to-use principles for everyday life. His passion is inspiring people to be brave in their ambitions, even if they fail initially. When you listen to Steve, you will find strength to lead others, be encouraged to pursue ideas you have shelved and make the calls you have postponed.

Steve will guide us through his workshop as we learn "How to Become a Leader Others Will Follow."
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3:45 PM - 4:00 PM
Closing Remarks
Dr. Mary Jo Loughlin will wrap up the day with brief closing comments.
4:00 PM - 4:15 PM
Electronic Evaluations
Attendees will complete an electronic evaluation.


  • Mary Jo Loughlin (CNO Senior VP Patient Care Services at Hunterdon Health)

    Mary Jo Loughlin

    CNO Senior VP Patient Care Services at Hunterdon Health

    Mary Jo Loughlin, DNP, RN, NEA-BC
    After graduating high school, Mary Jo Loughlin attended and Graduated from Somerset Technical Institute as an LPN and began working at Hunterdon Medical Center. She immediately enrolled in an accelerated program at Raritan Valley Community College and obtained her RN degree. She continued to work as a staff RN at Hunterdon Medical Center and developed her leadership skills. She obtained her BSN from Gwynedd-Mercy College, her Master’s degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University and her DNP from Thomas Edison State University.
    Mary Jo has held multiple nursing leadership positions in the organization and is currently the Chief Nursing Officer and Senior Vice President of Patient Care Services at Hunterdon Healthcare. She is actively involved in the Magnet process as a Magnet Steering Committee member and has been a document writer for the past three designations, including the current designation.
    In addition, she has held several leadership positions in professional organizations that include, Co-Chair Nurse Manager Advisory Committee for NJHA; Co-Chair Organization of Nurse Leaders (ONL) NJ Mentorship Committee and is currently a board member for ONL NJ. Dr. Loughlin will serve as president of ONL NJ for the 2024-2025 term.

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  • Gene Mulroy (Principal at Capital Impact Group)

    Gene Mulroy

    Principal at Capital Impact Group


    Based in Trenton, New Jersey, Capital Impact Group (CIG) is a bipartisan government affairs firm that advocates for its clients at all levels of government. With a focus on healthcare, CIG represents clients’ interests on legislative, permitting and rulemaking matters. The firm is comprised of former public officials, agency professionals, and communications experts with an intimate knowledge of government and access to key decision makers in every realm of public policy. CIG Principal Gene Mulroy and his team have represented ONL, and formerly ONE, for more than a decade.

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  • Michael Arcaro (Medical Director, Clinical Informatics of Capital Health)

    Michael Arcaro

    Medical Director, Clinical Informatics of Capital Health

  • Edna Cadmus (Executive Director of NJCCN at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)

    Edna Cadmus

    Executive Director of NJCCN at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey


    Edna has served as the Executive Director for the New Jersey Collaborating Center for Nursing (NJCCN) from 2014 until the present time. The Center under her leadership has sought solutions for nursing workforce challenges using data to support change, working with partners from across the state. She is a Clinical Professor at Rutgers University School of Nursing and past Specialty Director for the graduate Leadership Tracks. She serves as the co-chair for the revision of the ANA Nursing Leadership Scope and Standards 3rd edition.

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  • Stephanie Chiu (Statistical Scientist at Atlantic Health System)

    Stephanie Chiu

    Statistical Scientist at Atlantic Health System

    Stephanie Chiu, MS, MPH, Statistical Scientist, Atlantic Health System

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  • Ruth DiLeo (Assistant Vice President Patient Care Services at Virtua Health)

    Ruth DiLeo

    Assistant Vice President Patient Care Services at Virtua Health

    Ruth DiLeo, MSN, RN, NE-BC, RNC-OB
    Clinical Director, Cooper University Health Care

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  • Eash Haughton (Director of Public Affairs at Capital Impact Group)

    Eash Haughton

    Director of Public Affairs at Capital Impact Group

  • Danielle Marcello (Nurse Manager at Atlantic Health System - Morristown Medical Center)

    Danielle Marcello

    Nurse Manager at Atlantic Health System - Morristown Medical Center

  • Mark McLaughlin (Founder of Princeton Brain and Spine Care)

    Mark McLaughlin

    Founder of Princeton Brain and Spine Care

  • Steve Miller (Professional Speaker & Trainer at Leadership Development Group)

    Steve Miller

    Professional Speaker & Trainer at Leadership Development Group

  • Jennifer Sternbach (Corporate Assistant Vice President, Clinical Pharmacy Services at RWJ Barnabas Health)

    Jennifer Sternbach

    Corporate Assistant Vice President, Clinical Pharmacy Services at RWJ Barnabas Health

  • Daria Waszak (Assistant Director, NJCCN & Clinical Associate Professor, Rutgers School of Nursing at NJCCN)

    Daria Waszak

    Assistant Director, NJCCN & Clinical Associate Professor, Rutgers School of Nursing at NJCCN

  • Penny Zenker (International Speaker, Strategic Business Coach, Best Selling Author at Penny Zenker)

    Penny Zenker

    International Speaker, Strategic Business Coach, Best Selling Author at Penny Zenker


    Penny Zenker is an interactive motivational speaker, business strategy coach and best-selling author of The Productivity Zone: Stop the Tug of War with Time. She is passionate about helping people live more fulfilling lives through reducing stress, improving communication, and creating greater meaning and clearer focus. Penny's expertise is derived from building and selling a multi-million-dollar business, living abroad for 16 years, managing business turnarounds, and later working to double business growth for businesses as a strategic business coach with Business Breakthroughs, a Tony Robbins and Chet Holmes company.

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Platinum Sponsor
  • Symmetry Healthcare Strategies, LLC

    With easy-to-use software and over 100 staffing partners in our program, Symmetry is your simplified workforce solutions provider. ONE contract, ONE contact, ONE invoice and ONE accountable compliance partner – we’re your ONE-stop solution to all of your staffing challenges.

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Gold Sponsors
  • StaffGarden LLC

    Discover how Grow, the purpose-built, cloud-based platform for managing clinical professional advancement programs, can transform your organization. Join Magnet Hospitals across the country who have already switched from paper-based Clinical Ladder programs to our user-friendly, scalable online application. With Grow, programs have seen over 300% increase in user participation and improvements in engagement.

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  • Wolters Kluwer

    Wolters Kluwer N.V. is a Dutch information services company. The company serves legal, business, tax, accounting, finance, audit, risk, compliance, and healthcare markets. Wolters Kluwer in its current form was founded in 1987 with a merger between Kluwer Publishers and Wolters Samsom.

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  • Baxter Healthcare

    Infusion pumps (LVP and Syringe), bi-directional interoperability (AP and AD), and asset tracking
    Clinical Optimization package for customers > semiannual infusion analytics performance review and annual 8-hour clinical day

    view more
  • Stryker

    Patient Beds, Defibrillator/AED, Patient Positioning Products

    view more
Silver Sponsors
  • Silentia Inc.

    "Silentia privacy screens are the leading alternative to
    privacy curtains. For over 30 years, Silentia has revolutionized patient privacy with
    the patented Silentia Screen System. Solid surface, modular screens made with
    durable materials that are easy to clean allow hospitals to improve infection control
    and reduce resource waste. All products can be cleaned in place with common
    disinfectants, contributing to faster room turnover, long-term cost savings, and increased patient safety."

    view more
  • Seton Hall University

    Seton Hall University's College of Nursing provides a wide variety of undergraduate and nationally ranked graduate programs that have prepared students for leadership in the nursing industry since 1937. We are pioneers in evidence-based practice, servant leadership and cutting-edge technology, and encourage our students to integrate their values into their daily nursing practice.

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Conference Brochure

๏ปฟLimitless Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership in nursing is a management style that motivates nurses to take ownership of their roles and perform beyond minimum expectations. This style motivates team members by appealing to their desire to demonstrate higher moral values and integrity in practice. Transformational leadership in nursing encourages teams to work toward the greater good of an organization and its people instead of considering self-serving interests.

Transformational Nurse Leaders can significantly impact professional relationships and promote positive patient and organizational outcomes. These nurse leaders possess four key elements that separate them as transformational from others in nursing leadership roles.

Four Key Elements of Transformational Leadership include.

1.    Inspirational Motivation: Effective transformational nurse leaders believe in themselves and others to do their best, articulate a clear vision and communicate with a sense of commitment and passion.

2.    Individual Consideration: Transformational nurse leaders take the time to know each team member, learn their strengths, weaknesses, and motivations and dedicate themselves as mentors and leaders to those in their charge.

3.    Intellectual Stimulation: Transformational nurse leaders value the idea of team members who think outside the box and search for better ways of accomplishing things. They encourage creativity, welcoming new ideas and input.

4.    Idealized Influence: Transformational leadership in nursing includes the act of idealized influence, setting a good example for others to follow and doing so in a manner that makes them want to be better.

Join ONLNJ in hearing from many talented speakers including Keynote Presenter, Penny Zenker, author of "Reset the Mindset" who will explore how to maintain focus and clarity in the face of rapid change in healthcare. Steve Miller, Entrepreneur and author, will deliver an inspiring discussion on how to become a leader whom others will follow. Dr. Michael Arcaro will discuss the challenges of AI in healthcare.

Please join ONLNJ at this year's Annual Meeting and Conference, "Limitless Transformational Leadership"and leave with the tools and strategies to develop yourself intothe best transformational nurse leader you can be!

Target Audience: Nurse managers, nursing coordinators, assistant nurse managers, clinical nurses, chief nursing officers, vice presidents of patient care, assistant vice presidents of nursing, administrative directors, directors of nursing, aspiring nurse leaders, new ONLNJ mentors and mentees, Nursing Workplace Environment Staffing Council members, university deans, nurse educators, nurse researchers and scientists, post-acute leaders and nursing home administrators.

Learner Outcome: At the conclusion of this educational event, the learner will gain knowledge on becoming a transformational leader in challenging times and will self-report on a Likert Scale of (1-5) an increase in knowledge and self confidence in adopting at least two key strategies to becoming a transformational leader in challenging times, which may be transferable to their practice and/or organization.

Eighty percent of the leaders will report that they have gained knowledge and self-confidence on Likert Scale (1-5), in implementing at least two key strategies to becoming a transformational leader in challenging times, which may be transferable to their practice and/or organization.

Successful completion of the course is defined as in-person attendance for 100 percent of the didactic learning session and a completed course evaluation.

Continuing Nurse Education Credits: This activity has been submitted to the American Association of Critical Care Nurses for approval to award contact hours. The American Association of Critical Care Nurses is accredited as an approver of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.